I want to tell you about the uniqueness some friends while experiencing a wide range of "GALAU".
some of my friends is a unique once when it was stopping in a room dubbed a patch that is usually called "KOST-an". who had a boarding house called DIASYA HARDINI.
Scene 1: one when I was with my friends go over to the boarding house, suddenly our mobile phones SOS signals all even until there is an X alone (that's me) we all panicked and confused to activate the signals. first we take it easy because only the first day we came to that place. a few days later and a few weeks later when we used to play to the area, our signal no change when the time came out of the room was our signal just fine. but why when we all arrived at the place that our signal is not being met. and we all became "GALAU" because there is no signal. one of our friends provide a solution and the solution was lucky for her. She gave one of the solutions by way of reversing his cell phone in that way she said "the signal will appear one by one" by Evi. after we try it that way (including me) do not luck even my friends who do not wear any BB (Ainun YASMIN) follow this way. Successful use only Evi own way. later we are still "GALAU SINYAL" and find a way to black berry demons that get signals through this second
Scene 2: We have a friend who upset because a girlfriend have a boyfriend "galau" does not have a boyfriend was "galau". Diasya Hardini, she was the occupant boarding room that takes all of our signal (kidding: D) had a boyfriend before she was upset because some people there who approached her. must sort out the confusion which is to be her boyfriend. even when PDKT with anyone she was busy for a diet. until finally she had a boyfriend dietary strategies that he never did. one time she got the problem of romance with her lover. Stress that in nature. upset is the first I also wanted to mention her. we were surprised to see her behavior on that day. restless even his own rage. when we all (me, citra, evi ainun) was joking, chatting, suddenly looking dias're cool with her world. BB with the circumstances at her side while in charge, I glanced at her. and you know, she was put on lotion or be on call Handbody while smiling. I wonder and want to laugh. I nudged my friend next to (Ainun) "see dias", then my friend innocently say "dii what are you doing? Make handboddy while the smiles" dias with a plain answer, smile and no-load "for me, wearing it Handbody can eliminate the sense of 'upset'because a girlfriend" we all heard and laughed. it turns out there are people who removes a sense of "UPSET(galau) BECAUSE(karena) OF LOVE(percintaan)" it could be powerful with her Handbody wear at all times. we did not believe it and we start our activities again.
Scene 3: I'll tell you about the problem of upset romance again. Our friend who was upset because one out in the break to love. just a matter of days. Citra Natya. She is having "GALAU" because it broke up with her boyfriend. These days he always spoke of her boyfriend for having a new girlfriend. every minute and second, she always tells his new girlfriend SARI from her ex. looked very sad when I felt to be her. how much pain when we've been together more than a year and it turns out her boyfriend has had a new girlfriend secretly. the weld face, annoyed but she still patiently deal with this problem. one point she told me, "she never criedwhen having a problem. and just yesterday she told me that he could not hold back tears fell.s he cried at full speed, up to shout too hard" . vocal cord was inhibited food so big. we did not have the heart it too late in the problem. we try to make it not sad anymore. took laughing, joking it might make it better. but still it feel like to know and can not let go of the ex was still even though small. spirit citra :) smile
scene 4: Our friend who is very tomboyish. but still no feminine side. always just when a problem with the "GALAU" that was to be in by my guess. and it turns out my guess was right. Ainun Yasmin was always GALAU KARENA NENEK starting from a small problem from her grandmother to large. she lived with her grandmother who probably all I can say that her grandmother acting spoiled with Ainun. sometimes all problems can be Ainun suffers upset. when Ainun was upset, she is quiet with a very flat face and refused to join. a little closed, but could not cover herself when she has a problem and I know it. she tried to find how to make herself not upset because her grandmother. and how belom met until now. but little by little I saw, she met her own way. "she went along with his friends or she doing or even acting strangely". either she makes herself look happy. sometimes love is not clear (Jayus) but according to her it's fun. I was also surprised. something unique from side of her. although sometimes we wonder with her jokes, but we understood what she means. from there I tried to disappear sense of upset by making a joke:) and slowly seemed to work. unique way, Ai:)
and the last scene: "GALAU" that I created the back story on the blog is just a moment. at a time when I was sitting in front of the screen and said, recalling some of my friends silly behavior as troubled. and I realized that when I was upset I had abstrack. more uncertain than my friend Ainun Yasmin. whatever I do, whatever I say look very silly. behaving like a madman maybe yes, maybe ordinary people behave so well. when I was sitting at the bottom and I join with my friends, we get new guests name Dewi Maharani. she tried to play with me, dias, citraa, ainun and evi. I was initially confused as we were lab Rani (dewi maharani) crying next to the dias. I asked the dias, but she doesn't answer. until finally she came with us a short break at the dias boarding's. we get (and again my signal is X) and we were sitting. Rani began to feel upset because her boyfriend asks to break up with Rani. Rani tells all complained, I watched Rani like Reni Jayusman style, with a handkerchief in the rolls and the tie to the head. Rani tells her story with nervous because the boyfriend was not clear off. I immediately springs to mind putting the statement to Rani, the most powerful way to face upset by 'insert head into the tub'. was magic for me. fresh brain and can cause a sense of patience and even can not help feeling emotional, but Rani laughed at my brilliant idea. I had to laugh smile and try to divert the story of the troubled. unique right? by entering the head into a tub feeling upset can be lost instantly. if you want to tries, do. possibility can make your heart grow cold back and refresh your brain for a moment that you do not feel upset for a moment
indonesian: selanjutnya gue bakal cerita tentang berbagi kekonyolan anak muda jaman sekarang cause GALAU hhaha, stay click my blog yaa LOL
Kamis, 24 November 2011
Sabtu, 19 November 2011
when you walk
path walks with you
when you swim water flows with you
when you stop
time stops with you
when you fall...there is ground to catch you
when you cry there is rain to cry with you
when you are sad moon blues with you
when you think pen thinks with you
when you dance
winds dances with you
when you are happy moon smiles with you
when you laugh flowers blossoms with you
and even after that if you feel lonely
come inside my heart i'll stop it for you
path walks with you
when you swim water flows with you
when you stop
time stops with you
when you fall...there is ground to catch you
when you cry there is rain to cry with you
when you are sad moon blues with you
when you think pen thinks with you
when you dance
winds dances with you
when you are happy moon smiles with you
when you laugh flowers blossoms with you
and even after that if you feel lonely
come inside my heart i'll stop it for you
Minggu, 06 November 2011
“Iklan adalah segala bentuk penyajian non pribadi dan promosi gagasan, barang, atau jasa oleh sponsor tertentu yang memerlukan pembayaran.”
Periklanan mempunyai sifat-sifat :
1. Public Presentation, yaitu iklan memungkinkan setiap orang menerima pesanan yang sama tentang produk yang di-iklan-kan.
2. Pervasiveness, yaitu pesan iklan yang sama dapat diulang-ulang untuk menetapkan penerimaan informasi.
3. Amplified Expresiveness, yaitu iklan mampu mendramatisasi perusahaan dan produknya melalui gambar dan suara untuk menggoyangkan audience.
4. Impersonality, yaitu bersifat memaksa audience untuk memperhatikan dan menanggapinya, karena merupakan komunikasi yang menolong.
Mittal 1999 menyebutkan lima sifat iklan yang berhubungan dengan ketidakberwujudan dari iklan.
Sifat-sifat itu antara lain :
a. Abstrak (abstractness)
Meskipun dalam beberapa kasus, iklan dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk spanduk, baliho atau media periklanan lainnya yang berwujud secara fisik namun pada dasarnya hakikat iklan itu tidak berwujud atau abstrak. hal ini dikarenakan esensi iklan itu adalah pesan atau berita yang dibuat perusahaan yang tentu saja sifat pesan adalah abstrak.
b. Penyajian publik
Iklan bersifat general, umum dan lazim karena tujuan iklan adalah untuk dikomsumsi oleh masyarakat secara umum dan bersifat standar.
c. Kemampuan meresap
Iklan yang baik adalah iklan yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk meresap dan dimaknai sesuai dengan keinginan pemasang iklan.
d. Ekspresi yang diperkuat
Iklan yang baik harus mempunyai kemampuan untuk memperkuat ekspresi produk atau jasa dan bahkan citra perusahaan yang diiklankan melalui sarana warna, bentuk, animasi, suara dan pemilihan kata yang tepat.
e. Tidak mengenai orang tertentu
Iklan yang baik tidak menggambarkan atau ditujukan kepada seseorang secara subjektif melainkan bersifat umum
Sifat Iklan dalam konteks komunikasi
1) Informasi dan Persuasi
Kata-kata seperti Informasi dan persuasi nampaknya sederhana. Namun, dari dua kata itulah terdapat ciri proses komunkasi. Informasi artinga memberi tahu apa yang dimaksudkan oleh pemberitahu / komunikator yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh “iklan” untuk menunjukan adanya garis hubungan antara seseorang yang ingin menjual produknya kepada seseorang yang lain yang membutuhkan produk itu. Kunci periklanan justru terdapat pada kecanggihan merumuskan informasi itu ( Bagaimana memasarkan, dan siapa saja yang membutuhkan ).
Persuasi, dalam proses komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan karena aktivitas perpindahan informasi harus mengandung daya tarik dan menggugah suatu perasaan tertentu.
2) Pengontrol informasi
Karena informasi mengenai suatu produk tertentu disebarluaskan melalu media massa dan bersifat terbuka, maka sebelum dimasukan ke media informasi harus menempuh tahapan tertentu. Bisa meliputi isi, penggunaan waktu, ruang, dan tujuan khalayak sasaran.
3) Media Komunikasi Massa
Perbedaan iklan dngan teknik komunikasi pemasaran yang lain adalah dalam hal komunikasi nonpersonal. Maksudnya adalah dalam komunikasi iklan terdapat alur komunikasi antara si pemasang iklan / sponsor dengan orang pembuat jasa iklan.
Manusia dan bahasa adalah dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu dengan yang lain. Manusia sebagai mahkluk sosial tidak dapat hidup sendiri tanpa ada manusia lain. Dalam hidupnya, manusia selalu membutuhkan manusia lain. Oleh sebab itu, manusia membutuhkan bahasa untuk menjalin komunikasi dengan manusia lain sehingga terpenuhilah kewajiban moral manusia sebagai mahkluk sosial. Dalam hal ini, bahasa memainkan fungsinya sebagai alat komunikasi.
Saat ini, berbagai media komusikasi berkembang begitu pesat. Tentu saja semua itu sejalan dengan memberi kemudahan bagi manusia untuk mengembangkan interaksi kepada sesama. Salah satu medianya adalah melalui iklan di berbagai media. Meski dengan wujud yang berbeda, tetapi tetapi tetap saja bahasa menjadi hal utama dalam penyampaiannya.
Iklan sendiri dapat dijumpai setiap saat dan di manapun manusia berada. Perkembangan media informatika semakin membuat itu menjadi lebih bervariasi. Hampir setiap hari manusia disajikan berbagai iklan baik itu di majalah, koran, televisi, radio, internet, bahkan di sepanjang jalan iklan dapat dijumpai. Iklan sendiri dianggap sebagai media yang cukup efektif dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada khalayak ramai.
Monle Lee dan Carla Johnson mendefinisikan iklan sebagai sebuah komunikasi komersil dan nonpersonal tentang sebuah organisasi dan produk-produknya yang ditransmisikan ke suatu khalayak target melalui media bersifat massal seperti televisi, radio, koran, majalah, direct mail (pengeposan langsung), reklame luar ruang, atau kendaraan umum ( 2004:3). dari sini jelas bahwa iklan merupakan media komunikasi massa.
Pemanfaatan bahasa dalam iklan tentu saja disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan demi tercapainya maksud iklan itu sendiri. Secara khusus iklan di televisi lebih menekankan bahasa tutur dalam menyampaikan maksudnya kepada orang lain. Hal itu dapat diungkapkan oleh penutur dengan menggunakan kalimat imperatif, deklaratif, maupun introgatif. Semua tentu dengan satu tujuan yaitu tercapainya pesan.
Menurut Rot Zoill melalui Rendra Widyatama (2005:147) menjabarkan fungsi iklan dalam empat fungsi. Keempat fungsi tersebut akan dijabarkan sebagai berikut.
a. Fungsi Precipitation
Iklan berfungsi untuk mempercepat berubahnya suatu kondisi dari keadaan yang semula tidak dapat mengambil keputusan menjadi dapat mengambil keputusan. Sebagai contoh adalah meningkatkan permintaan, menciptakan kesadaran dan pengetahuan tentang sebuah produk.
b. Fungsi Persuasion
Iklan berfungsi untuk membangkitkan khalayak sesuai pesan yang diiklankan. Hal ini meliputi daya tarik emosi, menyampaikan informasi tentang ciri suatu produk, dan membujuk konsumen untuk membeli.
c. Fungsi Reinforcement (meneguhkan sikap)
Iklan mampu meneguhkan keputusan yang telah diambil oleh khalayak.
d. Fungsi Reminder
Iklan mampu mengingatkan dan semakin meneguhkan terhadap produk yang diiklankan.
Iklan di televisi memiliki kecendrungan menggunakan tindak tutur lisan yang berbeda antara iklan satu dengan yang lain. Atau dengan kata lain, iklan di televisi cenderung menggunakan bahasa percakapan. Percakapan itu sangat membantu menjelaskan maksud percakapan sehingga kalimat yang digunakan pun diusahakan kalimat yang efektif. Bahkan jenis iklan yang sama pun memiliki tindak tutur yang berbeda pula. Berbagai iklan yang ditayangkan di televisi memiliki keragaman demi menjaring konsumennya dengan pengemasan bahasa yang semenarik mungkin. Bahkan demi menjaring konsumen, setiap iklan menunjukkan keunggulan barang yang diiklankan. Selain itu, iklan kerap kali ditayangkan berulang kali sehingga akan semakin memberikan kesan yang dalam kepada konsumen terhadap produk yang ditawarkan. Hal ini mempunyai maksud konsumen akan selalu ingat dengan tidak mempedulikan produk sejenis.
Periklanan mempunyai sifat-sifat :
1. Public Presentation, yaitu iklan memungkinkan setiap orang menerima pesanan yang sama tentang produk yang di-iklan-kan.
2. Pervasiveness, yaitu pesan iklan yang sama dapat diulang-ulang untuk menetapkan penerimaan informasi.
3. Amplified Expresiveness, yaitu iklan mampu mendramatisasi perusahaan dan produknya melalui gambar dan suara untuk menggoyangkan audience.
4. Impersonality, yaitu bersifat memaksa audience untuk memperhatikan dan menanggapinya, karena merupakan komunikasi yang menolong.
Mittal 1999 menyebutkan lima sifat iklan yang berhubungan dengan ketidakberwujudan dari iklan.
Sifat-sifat itu antara lain :
a. Abstrak (abstractness)
Meskipun dalam beberapa kasus, iklan dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk spanduk, baliho atau media periklanan lainnya yang berwujud secara fisik namun pada dasarnya hakikat iklan itu tidak berwujud atau abstrak. hal ini dikarenakan esensi iklan itu adalah pesan atau berita yang dibuat perusahaan yang tentu saja sifat pesan adalah abstrak.
b. Penyajian publik
Iklan bersifat general, umum dan lazim karena tujuan iklan adalah untuk dikomsumsi oleh masyarakat secara umum dan bersifat standar.
c. Kemampuan meresap
Iklan yang baik adalah iklan yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk meresap dan dimaknai sesuai dengan keinginan pemasang iklan.
d. Ekspresi yang diperkuat
Iklan yang baik harus mempunyai kemampuan untuk memperkuat ekspresi produk atau jasa dan bahkan citra perusahaan yang diiklankan melalui sarana warna, bentuk, animasi, suara dan pemilihan kata yang tepat.
e. Tidak mengenai orang tertentu
Iklan yang baik tidak menggambarkan atau ditujukan kepada seseorang secara subjektif melainkan bersifat umum
Sifat Iklan dalam konteks komunikasi
1) Informasi dan Persuasi
Kata-kata seperti Informasi dan persuasi nampaknya sederhana. Namun, dari dua kata itulah terdapat ciri proses komunkasi. Informasi artinga memberi tahu apa yang dimaksudkan oleh pemberitahu / komunikator yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh “iklan” untuk menunjukan adanya garis hubungan antara seseorang yang ingin menjual produknya kepada seseorang yang lain yang membutuhkan produk itu. Kunci periklanan justru terdapat pada kecanggihan merumuskan informasi itu ( Bagaimana memasarkan, dan siapa saja yang membutuhkan ).
Persuasi, dalam proses komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan karena aktivitas perpindahan informasi harus mengandung daya tarik dan menggugah suatu perasaan tertentu.
2) Pengontrol informasi
Karena informasi mengenai suatu produk tertentu disebarluaskan melalu media massa dan bersifat terbuka, maka sebelum dimasukan ke media informasi harus menempuh tahapan tertentu. Bisa meliputi isi, penggunaan waktu, ruang, dan tujuan khalayak sasaran.
3) Media Komunikasi Massa
Perbedaan iklan dngan teknik komunikasi pemasaran yang lain adalah dalam hal komunikasi nonpersonal. Maksudnya adalah dalam komunikasi iklan terdapat alur komunikasi antara si pemasang iklan / sponsor dengan orang pembuat jasa iklan.
Saat ini, berbagai media komusikasi berkembang begitu pesat. Tentu saja semua itu sejalan dengan memberi kemudahan bagi manusia untuk mengembangkan interaksi kepada sesama. Salah satu medianya adalah melalui iklan di berbagai media. Meski dengan wujud yang berbeda, tetapi tetapi tetap saja bahasa menjadi hal utama dalam penyampaiannya.
Iklan sendiri dapat dijumpai setiap saat dan di manapun manusia berada. Perkembangan media informatika semakin membuat itu menjadi lebih bervariasi. Hampir setiap hari manusia disajikan berbagai iklan baik itu di majalah, koran, televisi, radio, internet, bahkan di sepanjang jalan iklan dapat dijumpai. Iklan sendiri dianggap sebagai media yang cukup efektif dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada khalayak ramai.
Monle Lee dan Carla Johnson mendefinisikan iklan sebagai sebuah komunikasi komersil dan nonpersonal tentang sebuah organisasi dan produk-produknya yang ditransmisikan ke suatu khalayak target melalui media bersifat massal seperti televisi, radio, koran, majalah, direct mail (pengeposan langsung), reklame luar ruang, atau kendaraan umum ( 2004:3). dari sini jelas bahwa iklan merupakan media komunikasi massa.
Pemanfaatan bahasa dalam iklan tentu saja disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan demi tercapainya maksud iklan itu sendiri. Secara khusus iklan di televisi lebih menekankan bahasa tutur dalam menyampaikan maksudnya kepada orang lain. Hal itu dapat diungkapkan oleh penutur dengan menggunakan kalimat imperatif, deklaratif, maupun introgatif. Semua tentu dengan satu tujuan yaitu tercapainya pesan.
Menurut Rot Zoill melalui Rendra Widyatama (2005:147) menjabarkan fungsi iklan dalam empat fungsi. Keempat fungsi tersebut akan dijabarkan sebagai berikut.
a. Fungsi Precipitation
Iklan berfungsi untuk mempercepat berubahnya suatu kondisi dari keadaan yang semula tidak dapat mengambil keputusan menjadi dapat mengambil keputusan. Sebagai contoh adalah meningkatkan permintaan, menciptakan kesadaran dan pengetahuan tentang sebuah produk.
b. Fungsi Persuasion
Iklan berfungsi untuk membangkitkan khalayak sesuai pesan yang diiklankan. Hal ini meliputi daya tarik emosi, menyampaikan informasi tentang ciri suatu produk, dan membujuk konsumen untuk membeli.
c. Fungsi Reinforcement (meneguhkan sikap)
Iklan mampu meneguhkan keputusan yang telah diambil oleh khalayak.
d. Fungsi Reminder
Iklan mampu mengingatkan dan semakin meneguhkan terhadap produk yang diiklankan.
Iklan di televisi memiliki kecendrungan menggunakan tindak tutur lisan yang berbeda antara iklan satu dengan yang lain. Atau dengan kata lain, iklan di televisi cenderung menggunakan bahasa percakapan. Percakapan itu sangat membantu menjelaskan maksud percakapan sehingga kalimat yang digunakan pun diusahakan kalimat yang efektif. Bahkan jenis iklan yang sama pun memiliki tindak tutur yang berbeda pula. Berbagai iklan yang ditayangkan di televisi memiliki keragaman demi menjaring konsumennya dengan pengemasan bahasa yang semenarik mungkin. Bahkan demi menjaring konsumen, setiap iklan menunjukkan keunggulan barang yang diiklankan. Selain itu, iklan kerap kali ditayangkan berulang kali sehingga akan semakin memberikan kesan yang dalam kepada konsumen terhadap produk yang ditawarkan. Hal ini mempunyai maksud konsumen akan selalu ingat dengan tidak mempedulikan produk sejenis.
Jumat, 04 November 2011
tone makes the heart beat fast
That note for note to prove many of the stories
title songs mean a lot of stories
one word I already know
not have much to say and I Understand
all for the real story
stringed guitar that's been my guess, is that you have played for me
I see the smile behind your red lips
I Laughed to see your face angle
Your hands are so stiff and Supple with his guitar playing stringed That this harmony.
all remedy, though the heart can not stand it accidentally dripped dew
That pure droplets adorn a million dreams
In other words may make-the heart was Pierced
Make sure the liver is linked in love again like pigeons Establish love affair
may Remain on the focus and heart open to the who you are calling for this self
and the instruments were the resource persons always together to exchange understanding
That note for note to prove many of the stories
title songs mean a lot of stories
one word I already know
not have much to say and I Understand
all for the real story
stringed guitar that's been my guess, is that you have played for me
I see the smile behind your red lips
I Laughed to see your face angle
Your hands are so stiff and Supple with his guitar playing stringed That this harmony.
all remedy, though the heart can not stand it accidentally dripped dew
That pure droplets adorn a million dreams
In other words may make-the heart was Pierced
Make sure the liver is linked in love again like pigeons Establish love affair
may Remain on the focus and heart open to the who you are calling for this self
and the instruments were the resource persons always together to exchange understanding
Selasa, 01 November 2011
NOV 1 11 11
I write with a sense of the unconscious
the ten fingers to play with pretty nimble on the alphabet
slowly write down the name, then write the number down and then write an autobiography
all was according to plan
all at once fiction to tell
not even feasible for the talk
at the beginning of a 1 11 11 looks beautiful figures who wanted to accompany love hearts for true love
but the poet did not quite understand the meaning of true love
1 3 5 23 - decode
all recorded and written within the meaning of the pujanggan
knows what he wants on display again after this
rain, angels, fairies, rainbows and the daughter of a dream
all so beautiful if you call it is I
but not this dirty blood might deserve
all so abstract as I know
palace of the king alone was no longer crowded with roses
now all turned into hell who picked up his people who carry knives
I thought all turned into a beautiful
apparently some who call me are parasites who slept with the thorns
sharp and piercing
felt that the tender
blood continued to trickle earth
dew no longer out
dry struggled in the desert
rabbit jump spears unsheathed
lying dead with his fist
grudge like reverb but the heart says otherwise
with an ugly face like santuni boy's cheerful
offers a shiny red apple, then you die!
but once again, my heart says otherwise
uncertainty continues to turn pink
I call november with 1 3 5 23
no longer be light.
I dunno, what next
the ten fingers to play with pretty nimble on the alphabet
slowly write down the name, then write the number down and then write an autobiography
all was according to plan
all at once fiction to tell
not even feasible for the talk
at the beginning of a 1 11 11 looks beautiful figures who wanted to accompany love hearts for true love
but the poet did not quite understand the meaning of true love
1 3 5 23 - decode
all recorded and written within the meaning of the pujanggan
knows what he wants on display again after this
rain, angels, fairies, rainbows and the daughter of a dream
all so beautiful if you call it is I
but not this dirty blood might deserve
all so abstract as I know
palace of the king alone was no longer crowded with roses
now all turned into hell who picked up his people who carry knives
I thought all turned into a beautiful
apparently some who call me are parasites who slept with the thorns
sharp and piercing
felt that the tender
blood continued to trickle earth
dew no longer out
dry struggled in the desert
rabbit jump spears unsheathed
lying dead with his fist
grudge like reverb but the heart says otherwise
with an ugly face like santuni boy's cheerful
offers a shiny red apple, then you die!
but once again, my heart says otherwise
uncertainty continues to turn pink
I call november with 1 3 5 23
no longer be light.
I dunno, what next
"Oh god, my soul is so black space.Only the faint call of death continues.Get rid of expectations that continues to fade.Increasingly meaningless. More and lusterless.Is this the life line that is not blessed? "the lyrics sound Unblessing Life - a song on the album last Burgerkill, Beyond Coma and Despair. Lyrics on other songs too much indulgence in 'indication' that kind. Dreadful.Have not had that album was released on the market, the vocalist and lirikus Ivan 'Scumbag' Firmansyah died at a young age, 28 years.
He was forced to miss the wedding plans, dream tour, as well as the fruits of success of the album's masterpiece that could make him be a 'rockstar' and able to fulfill his promise to please his friends.Respect finally embedded in other forms.Myself; Scumbag is a biography of Ivan 'Scumbag' Firmansyah [1978 - 2006],top metal vocalist Burgerkill written by his friend, Kimung.Storyline is flowing like a fiction novel.Full of zeal and self-esteem, as well as pain and resentment.The more deep and detailed because the author is also a friend of adolescence, 'brother a bottle', and musical partner in the era of the early Burgerkill.This book is a complete peeling life story, the joys and sorrows, love-story, career, until Ivan dreams that are exorbitant.Together attitude goons who always held firm in the pursuit of women, thugs attacked, hostility future in-laws, mushroom party, the action stage, writing songs and working. Just mention it's all part of the complexity of life that is always associated with major breakthroughs, aspirations, disappointments, passion and musical totality.
Everything is complete in this book.Also poked a little music career and lifestyle Burgerkill barudak Ujungberung familiarly called Homeless Crew.Until finally the ending is touching.Sorry if this sentence is harsh, but with the album, Beyond Coma and Despair,This book can indeed be a 'packet death' a solemn get to know some more about Ivan, and community Burgerkill Ujungberung.Of course, this will jump-start stock documenting underground scene in this country. Important book on a metal legend of Indonesia.He will continue to live in typical screeching vocals and lyrics are inspirational works.He's been blessed, beyond life and death!
Everything is complete in this book.Also poked a little music career and lifestyle Burgerkill barudak Ujungberung familiarly called Homeless Crew.Until finally the ending is touching.Sorry if this sentence is harsh, but with the album, Beyond Coma and Despair,This book can indeed be a 'packet death' a solemn get to know some more about Ivan, and community Burgerkill Ujungberung.Of course, this will jump-start stock documenting underground scene in this country. Important book on a metal legend of Indonesia.He will continue to live in typical screeching vocals and lyrics are inspirational works.He's been blessed, beyond life and death!
full moon of love
I started early
all associated with a riveting sense of
seed of a sincere love coming
then be a flower that blooms so
so many memories are lost
as well as memories of arriving and waiting
November is the one who became the moon black ash
such as erratic winds blow toward
dark colorless
full of dust
luminous but not shiny
like a cloud stretches I ran to follow the rainbow
test the rain and everything pictured
deserted uninhabited
chant came without the strains of
vacuum in its feel
month full of blood
heart stops beating and death accompany
Where are you going?
all no matter
I shouted at the top of the hill and now I feel adam will accompany
september ends
becoming bitter and indescribable
november is empty
semeriah no gift that is given
wait for the end of the next month november
do not like animals in feed
I started early
all associated with a riveting sense of
seed of a sincere love coming
then be a flower that blooms so
so many memories are lost
as well as memories of arriving and waiting
November is the one who became the moon black ash
such as erratic winds blow toward
dark colorless
full of dust
luminous but not shiny
like a cloud stretches I ran to follow the rainbow
test the rain and everything pictured
deserted uninhabited
chant came without the strains of
vacuum in its feel
month full of blood
heart stops beating and death accompany
Where are you going?
all no matter
I shouted at the top of the hill and now I feel adam will accompany
september ends
becoming bitter and indescribable
november is empty
semeriah no gift that is given
wait for the end of the next month november
do not like animals in feed
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