Selasa, 01 November 2011


full moon of love
I started early
all associated with a riveting sense of
seed of a sincere love coming
then be a flower that blooms so
so many memories are lost
as well as memories of arriving and waiting
November is the one who became the moon black ash
such as erratic winds blow toward
dark colorless
full of dust
luminous but not shiny
like a cloud stretches I ran to follow the rainbow
test the rain and everything pictured
deserted uninhabited
chant came without the strains of
vacuum in its feel
month full of blood
heart stops beating and death accompany
Where are you going?
all no matter
I shouted at the top of the hill and now I feel adam will accompany
september ends
becoming bitter and indescribable
november is empty
semeriah no gift that is given
wait for the end of the next month november
do not like animals in feed

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